

What We do ?

Assets Management

 For both enterprise and software assets, we help you actively manage (inventory, track, and correct) all your assets. Then, securely establish and maintain the proper configuration of those assets.

Email and Web Browser Protections

Trusted Chain can help to improve protections and detections of threats from email and web vectors, as these are opportunities for attackers to manipulate human behavior through direct engagement.

Continuous Vulnerability Management

By developing a plan to continuously assess and track vulnerabilities on all enterprise assets, we help to minimize the window of opportunity for attackers on your asset.

 Account and Access Control Management

We help you assign and manage authorization to different accounts as well as their access credentials.

 Data Protection

Throughout the life of your data, we help with processes and technical controls to identify, classify, securely handle, retain, and dispose of data.

Malware Defenses

We help you assign and manage authorization to different accounts as well as their access credentials.

Data Recovery

With the increase in ransomware attacks worldwide, your organization must establish and maintain data recovery practices sufficient to restore in-scope enterprise assets to a pre-incident and trusted state.

Network Security

Networks to organizations are like the vascular system to the human body. It must be protected. We can help you in managing its infrastructure and well as in its continuous monitoring and defense. So, you are always open for business.

Security Awareness and Skills Training

Your real asset is your people. They need to be aware of existential cyber threats and trained to handle them. We can work with your organization to build specific training and awareness programs that fit your need.

Service Provider Management

You are as secure as the weakest link in your network. Trusted chain can help you manage risk associated with service providers who hold your sensitive data or are responsible for an enterprise’s critical IT platforms or processes.

Application Software Security

Whether you use in-house development, hosted, or acquired software, we can help manage the security of the software life cycle to prevent, detect, and remediate security weaknesses before they can negatively impact the enterprise.

Incident Response Management

When a catastrophe happens, you’d better be prepared! Trusted chain can help through the establishment of a program to develop and maintain an incident response capability (e.g., policies, plans, procedures, defined roles, training, and communications).

Better security .. Better performance

we  secure your reassurance and help boost your business performance.
